
Skin Care Cymru is a volunteer run charity and patient support group, giving a voice to people with skin conditions in Wales

Working in partnership with other patient organisations, dermatology professionals, medical schools and others, we aim to advance the interests of people living with skin conditions and promote the provision of the best possible treatment and outcomes

Skin Care Cymru is represented on many committees, panels, and forums across Wales and the UK, and has attended Parliamentary and Welsh Assembly events to promote the cause of dermatology patients


If you would like to support us you can make a donation by texting: ‘SKIN00’ followed by ‘£10’ (or however much you like) and sending to 70070. Thanks so much for your support!

@JuliePeconi not being a lobster, all things skin, using your research and the influencing next generations #welshcrucible #crucible24 @swansearesearch @SwanseaUni

Research Opportunity!
Sarah is seeking parents & siblings (aged 7-16) of children with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) to participate in her research.
Email: downeys1@cardiff.ac.uk to get involved

New Research Opportunity! @Hopefulcici is carrying out a study looking at the stories of Black and Mixed British women with skin conditions.

If you are interested, please complete this form: https://cardiffunipsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0xKkC2jI24kU73g

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