Recent News:
- BBC News: No such thing as a healthy tan
- Interview from Skin Care Cymru trustees, discussing support for skin conditions in Wales, BBC News: Instagram: From boy bullied for acne to beauty guru
- The Derm Review: The Ultimate Guide to Skin Cancer Prevention
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- Manchester University: New drug therapy for young children with severe eczema
- Wales Online: Skin cancer: How to spot the signs of squamous cell carcinoma – and when to visit a GP
- The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin Mental Health and Skin Disease Report
- Dermatology Times: New Research Finds Shared Decision-Making Beneficial in Care of Patients with Eczema
- Dermatology Times: Psychological Impact of Atopic Dermatitis in Pediatric Patients
- Wales Online: ‘My feet are so callused I have to wear flip-flops and take a scalpel to them every fortnight’
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- Atopic Skin Disease: Behavioural dermatology – “The combined approach to Atopic eczema”
- Patient Info: Topical steroids for eczema
- Dermatology Times: FDA Fails to Provide Approval Decision on Upadacitinib for PsA
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- Wales Online: New injectable treatment for patients with psoriasis to be made available on the Welsh NHS