Taking part in psychological and medical research is key to progressing dermatological care across Wales
If you, or someone close to you, is affected by any skin condition and would like to be involved in ongoing research, have a look at some of the projects highlighted below:
Click here for General Clinical Trials
Condition-specific research opportunities:
- Eczema: National Eczema Society
- Epidermolysis Bullosa: EB Research Partnership
- Psoriasis: The Psoriasis Association
- British Association of Dermatologists: Biologic and Immunomodulators Register
- Alopecia: Alopecia UK
Skin Cancer: Cancer Research UK
- Vitiligo: The Vitiligo Society
- Acne: ‘Acne Care Online’
Epidermolysis Bullosa
If you a parent of a child aged 4-16 years with Epidermolysis Bullosa, take part in this online survey funded by DEBRA UK.
You can read more about the research on DEBRA UK website, here: https://www.debra.org.uk/cardiff-mental-health-toolkit
Epidermolysis Bullosa
If you a parent of a child aged under 16 years with Epidermolysis Bullosa, take part in an online focus group study funded by DEBRA UK.
For more information, please email: HughesOA@cardiff.ac.uk.
You can read more about the research on DEBRA UK website, here: https://www.debra.org.uk/cardiff-mental-health-toolkit.
Epidermolysis Bullosa
If you are a dermatologist, dermatology nurse, or psychologist etc. with experience working clinically with children affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa, take part in a focus group study funded by DEBRA UK.
For more information, please email: HughesOA@cardiff.ac.uk.
You can read more about the research on DEBRA UK website, here: https://www.debra.org.uk/cardiff-mental-health-toolkit.
Epidermolysis Bullosa
I am Sarah Downey, a trainee clinical psychologist based at Cardiff University. I am conducting a study which will aims to learn more about the experiences of brothers/sisters of children with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB).
There is very little research on the psychological and emotional impact of living with EB. Studies that have spoken to parents of children with EB have found that parents often worry about how EB affects their other children. However, no formal research has investigated the broader impact on the entire family or asked siblings of children with EB about their experiences.
This research is an opportunity for siblings and parents of children with EB to share their experiences and have their voices heard. I would like to speak with parents and the brothers/sisters of children with EB to learn more about their views on EB and family life. It is hoped that the research can help to better understand what support would be helpful to families living with EB, and understand what it is like for brothers/sisters.
If you are interested in taking part or would like to know more, please get in touch via email – downeys1@cardiff.ac.uk.
You can also read more about my research at: Experiences of brothers and sisters of children with EB | DEBRA UK – The butterfly skin charity
Thank you
Exploring Black British Women’s Experiences of Skin Conditions and Appearance Adjustment
Hello, My name is Ciara Puckerin – I am a trainee clinical psychologist based at Cardiff University. I am conducting a study that will explore the stories of Black and Mixed women with skin conditions, and their ability to adjust. This study has approval by Cardiff University Ethics Committee.
Psychosocial aspects of skin conditions is a neglected area, and there is very limited research focused on darker skin tones within the UK. If you are interested in taking part and sharing your experiences, please complete the expression of interest form: https://cardiffunipsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0xKkC2jI24kU73g
Thank you
The British Journal of Dermatology: Patient Perspective Articles
Would you like to publish an article for the British Journal of Dermatology Perspectives section?
The British Journal of Dermatology are looking for perspectives from dermatology patients (can be co-authored with a clinician), carers, and patient societies, addressing any subject relating to dermatology, such as a new point of view, based on evidence or experience
Along with written papers, submissions can be; images (e.g., artwork, cartoons, infographics, photographs, illustrations, diagrams), poems, videos, stories, essays, or mixed media. The British Journal of Dermatology welcomes submissions on all topics relevant to dermatology and encourage diversity and inclusivity
For more information, please contact the editorial office, who will guide you through the process: bjd@bad.org.uk
The SunChat Study
Researchers at Swansea University are looking to gauge perceptions on tanning in adults who are parents/carers of primary school children. Can you help?
To take part use this link: https://swansea.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/sunchatsurveyenglish
Twitter: @sunproofed
Online Individual Interview Study for adults living with Acne, Acne scarring or Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Researchers at Cardiff University (UK) are developing a new mobile application (app) to help people to improve their psychological health and manage all aspects of their skin condition effectively.
The research team are conducting individual, online interviews to find out about peoples’ experiences of living with acne, acne scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The findings of this study will be used to create content that will feature in the new mobile app.
Adults (18+ years) living with acne, acne scarring and/or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, anywhere in the world who can read and write in English can take part. The interviews will be conducted online and will take up to 1 hour to complete.
For more information, please email Carys Dale (Research Assistant): dalec3@cardiff.ac.uk
Online Survey for Health Care Providers
Questionnaire for healthcare providers
The purpose of this study is to look at health carers provider’s experiences of the use and provision of the Welsh language when caring for patients with chronic conditions and whether these people would benefit if there was an increase in the provision of bilingual services in this sector
To take part use this link: https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9SwJTHXyTVWG0pU
Online Survey for Patients with Chronic Conditions
Questionnaire for people with chronic conditions/receiving long-term treatment
The purpose of this study is to look at the experiences of patients with chronic conditions and their use of healthcare and bilingual services and whether these people would benefit if there was an increase in the provision of bilingual services in this sector. The research has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Swansea University’s School of Medicine.
To take part, use this link: https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0wUrW5dySTLLonI